Friday, September 21, 2018

Stop, Think, and Retell

Today in Reader’s Workshop, we talked about how important it is to stop and think about what you’re reading.  We learned the “Stop, Think, and Retell” strategy.  During independent reading, we stopped and jotted notes about what we were reading.  We then shared that with our partners during partner reading.

Partner Punctuation

Today in Writer’s Workshop, we worked really hard on adding punctuation into our stories to help our reader understand our writing even better.  The kids worked with partners to read through parts of their stories to hear suggestions on what punctuation to add and where.  Then some chose to keep working by their partners, and some went off on their own.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

What We're Working On...

Our Learning Topics for the weeks of September 24th and October 1st

Reading: Second Grade Reading Growth Spurt:  Rolling Up Our Sleeves to Figure Out Tricky Words; Using More Than One Strategy at a Time; Reading Beginnings and Endings in a Snap; Tricky Vowel Teams; Checking Ourselves After Reading; Understanding Authors' Intentions

Writing: Improving Narrative Writing: Setting Writing Goals; Revising with Intent; Trying Out Craft Moves from Mentor Authors; Trying Out More Craft Moves; Mining Mentor Texts for Word Choice; Editing

Word Work: Words with CVCe syllable patterns like crate, stroke, glide, plate, napkin and mistake.  Also, words with Open Syllable Patterns like cry, baby, so, robot, tidy

New Vocabulary Words:  select, several, change, and main

Math: Solving One-Step Word Problems; Understand Mental Math Strategies (Make a Ten)

Social Sciences: PBIS Expectations; Civics and Citizenship; What is a Community?

Fun with Emojis