Friday, October 12, 2018

Reader’s Workshop Celebration

We wrapped up our current unit in Reader’s Workshop.  Each student chose one or more reading strategies that we learned in this unit.  They then designed mini-posters with their strategies.  We voted and decided that we will share those posters with a first grade class to give them a jump start for second grade.

Writer’s Workshop Celebration

We are at the end of our Narrative Writing Unit.  For our final celebration, the kids chose a line from one of their stories that they were proud of or liked for a special reason.  We then shared those with each other.  We also enjoyed a “batty brownie” while we shared.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Word Work

This week, we focused on short vowels, along with some of our high frequency words.  The pictures below show some of the kids participating in a Buddy Check activity.  

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Learning Lessons

The past couple of days in Reader’s Workshop, we have talked about how authors intentionally try to teach the reader lessons by having the characters in the story learn lessons.  We tried to also predict what the lesson might be by using the title, cover, and back cover blurb of our books.

Fun with Emojis